Zhejiang Jiuli – Label Converting

A tailormade Lundberg Tech waste handling solution installed at Zhejiang Jiuli has been a great success

The company Zhejiang Jiuli is a Chinese label company headquartered in the Zhejiang Province, Ping Hu close to Shanghai. In 2021 Zhejiang Jiuli were collecting their adhesive trim in boxes next to the production machine using a Venturi system. The carton boxes were filled up very quickly and the staff used a lot of time emptying the waste boxes and moving them around in and out of the production area. Their waste handling process was therefore extremely inconvenient and energy costly.

Zhejiang Jiuli was about to move into a new factory hall at the beginning of 2021, moving old as well as installing newly purchased machines. Their goal was to avoid repeating the inconvenient waste handling situation that existed in their old factory where the trim was blown off the slitters by a simple Venturi system into carton boxes. Zhejiang Jiuli therefore started looking for a partner who was able to comply with their waste handling demand, and Lundberg Tech was the right choice. The decision was made for a complete installation of a waste handling solution designed for a possible future extension.

“After we have installed the waste handling system we have experienced a significant reduction of manpower handling of our production waste as we do not need to empty the carton boxes that used to fill up very quickly”, says Mr. Yu, Zhejiang Jiuli’s CEO.

“Now the system has been running for four years. The waste has completely disappeared from the production hall, it is all in the waste room out of the way from the staff and the production machines. This has resulted in a cleaner work environment because we have no dust around the machines, as the dust is sucked inside the vacuum system together with the waste. Another great benefit is a considerably reduction of our waste volume – approx 80% – because the waste is now captured, cut, conveyed and collected”, Mr. Yu continues.

“Our Lundberg Tech system is a great success. It has helped us solve a huge challenge with our excessive waste. Therefore, we plan to continue to invest into Lundberg Tech solutions for our further projects”, finishes Mr. Yu.


Recently Zhejiang Jiuli expanded their business with a new hall. Handling the waste is of course still very important and therefore they chose a Lundberg Tech WasteTech All-in-one Unit for another application.

With the solutions from Lundberg Tech Zhejiang Jiuli can use their energy on producing as well as servicing their customers instead of wasting valuable time on ineffective waste handling efforts among others causing productivity loss.


— Zhejiang Jiuli