Why automated waste handling makes your machines more attractive

Your production machines must constantly deliver competitive advantage and value for your customers. The businesses that purchase them are making sizeable investments, and so they must be certain they are making the best choices for their future.

However, sometimes waste handling is not always incorporated into these systems, which can mean customers need to purchase additional hardware at a later date. This can add unnecessary time, cost, and complexity to the process. 

At Lundberg Tech, we work closely with OEMs to mitigate these issues by helping them to integrate tailor-made automated waste handling technologies into their machine offerings. This helps to provide a more complete turnkey solution for customers that enhances overall productivity, saves costs, increases safety, and lowers their environmental footprint.

It’s a win-win, where the OEM becomes more attractive and competitive, and the customer has a more effective and efficient production process.

Waste is a challenge

Waste is an inevitable byproduct of production, whether it is matrix rolls, trims, or other types of off-cut material. There’s simply no getting around it.

As production increases, so does the amount of waste that must be dealt with. This is a headache that can impact your machine’s efficiency, as it must be constantly stopped and restarted while the waste is removed. As a result, your customer may need to look for better ways to manage the situation.

Typically, people try to get around this problem by managing and handling the waste manually (taking up valuable operator time) or by installing systems that blow the waste into containers (known as Venturi systems). However, for many setups these methods are not very practical or efficient.

By far the best solution is to automate the entire waste handling process. This is achieved through specially designed systems that can be run constantly without stopping production and with limited human involvement. This approach is proven to improve throughput, reduce costs, and ensure a safer working environment.

Early integration is key 

While automated waste handling solutions can be easily added to a machine on an existing production line, the benefits are even greater when they are integrated early into the initial planning stages.

Primarily, this ensures seamless integration, avoiding the need for costly retrofits or adjustments later. Early integration allows for planning and alignment with the production process, enhancing efficiency and minimizing downtime.

Additionally, it facilitates better space management, as the waste handling solution can be designed to fit optimally within the available infrastructure.

Proactively addressing waste management also promotes environmental compliance and sustainability from the outset, fostering a cleaner and safer working environment.

For the customer, this means they are properly set up with an end-to-end solution tailored for their needs, without having to subsequently source and fit a separate waste handling solution around their existing processes (which can be less effective and more costly).

For you, the OEM, providing a more complete, end-to-end package, gives you a more satisfied customer who may be more likely to choose you for future purchases.

A trusted solution provider

Lundberg Tech has been working with OEMs for many years to help integrate automated waste handling into their machine offerings. Our large product portfolio is particularly suited to this, as our components are modular (making them extremely adaptable to your and your customers’ needs) and simple (making it easy to integrate them with your machines).

We are well used to collaborating with OEMs and understand their working processes, freely sharing our expertise and know-how, as well as technical designs and drawings. We can provide also very short lead times and, having installed our systems in more than 50 countries worldwide, you can be sure of dependable support wherever you or your customers are located.

Your opportunities are here

At Lundberg Tech, we know you are best at what you do best. The thing is – so are we. Together, we can enhance your machines, simply by integrating your technology with ours.

We have the solutions, expertise, and global support network ready now to make your machine offering better. It simply makes sense; most customers who buy your machines will need a waste handling solution, so why not be the one to provide it?

To recap:

  • Automated waste handling solutions can enhance your machine offering
  • They are proven to increase customer productivity and thereby ROI
  • Integrating this early in the design phase delivers further benefits
  • Lundberg Tech is best placed to support you and your customers at every step


Our end-to-end waste handling solutions and packages are trusted worldwide for reliability, efficiency, and ease of use. Contact our friendly team today to see how they can benefit your business!

Read how other businesses have optimized their waste handling process with an automated waste handling solution.

Information about Lundberg Tech products for your process.

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